Thursday, February 4, 2010

Polar cannibalism...

Last December, many environmental-linked magazines showed pictures of an adult male polar bear which was devouring a young cub...and this is not a solitary case, since there have been a number of such events recorded in the last years. I've read some comments from various people which made refference to this behaviour as beeing normal.Well, in a way it is, since other species act the same, for example male lions.But, and this is a big but, this happens solely for mating purposes, in order to get the female back in mating state. If after the killing starts the feast, that's when something terribly wrong occurs.
I have read many articles which attentioned people to the environmental changes taking place in the arctic area, and many of them listed problems like the melting of the ice, which forces bears to spend more time on land, making it difficult for them to hunt seals (their no.1 meal), or shrinking numbers in plancton, another example, which is a very important link in the food chain.Nevertheless, these articles seem to have but little effect on the readers, since the practice of reading and ignoring is very common.
Have you ever seen video footage of a polar bear swimming itself to death because of the lack of ice on which to rest? Well, I have, and it's heartbreaking...It's not too late to take action! It's not too late to get involved. It doesn't matter that the Arctic circle is far away...we've only got one planet and it's painful to see such beautiful animals act against their nature, trying to survive and left to die because of human ignorance. Here's a link where you can see for yourselves what's really happening.

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